Sugar: Is it the root of all dietary evil, or have we outgrown this oversimplified notion? Let’s delve into the complex world of sugar, a topic that stirs strong emotions and debate. Before we explore how to cut back on sugar, it’s essential to understand what it is.

What is Sugar?

Sugar comprises carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen units, often appearing as glucoseā€”a monosaccharide. Glucose, fructose, and maltose are the smallest sugar molecules, and they can be found in various foods, including bread, sweets, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. So, sugar is present in nearly everything we eat. But is it all equally bad for us, and are there better alternatives?

Managing sugar intake successfully can be challenging, but let’s navigate this sweet terrain together with seven practical tips, guided by an online personal trainer:

  1. Ensure Adequate Caloric Intake
    Understand that sugar cravings can arise when you’re not consuming enough calories in a day. Starving yourself can lead to a natural desire for sweet treats. Remember, the body’s preferred fuel source is sugar.
  2. Embrace Protein
    Protein is incredibly satiating and can help curb sugar cravings. Increasing your protein intake can be a powerful ally in reducing sugar consumption.
  3. Opt for Natural Sweeteners
    Replace table sugar with natural alternatives like honey and stevia. These sweeteners offer a healthier option compared to traditional sugar.
  4. Embrace Whole Foods
    Incorporate more whole foods into your diet, especially vegetables. Whole foods are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Fibre not only satisfies your hunger but also helps reduce sugar cravings.
  5. Swap Sugary Drinks
    Trade sodas and sugary drinks for flavoured sparkling water, or create fruit-infused water for a refreshing and healthier alternative.
  6. Reduce Sugar in Baking
    When baking, cut back on sugar by using spices like cinnamon or nutmeg to maintain sweetness while reducing sugar content.
  7. Consider Artificial Sweeteners
    While there’s debate around artificial sweeteners, they can be a viable option for reducing sugar intake, especially in sodas and baked goods. However, always conduct a personal risk assessment before making this choice.

The Importance of Sugar


Sugar, specifically glucose, is the body’s preferred source of energy. Whether you consume candy or vegetables, your body converts available carbohydrates or complex sugar molecules into glucose. Glucose fuels your daily activities, keeps your brain active, and can be stored in muscles and the liver.

The glycemic index, which measures how quickly sugar enters the bloodstream from different foods, highlights the significance of food choice. Simple sugars like juices or candies cause rapid blood sugar spikes (high glycemic index), while complex sugars like sweet potatoes or whole grains result in moderate increases (low glycemic index). Health guidelines generally favour complex sugars for their gradual sugar release.

Understanding Insulin Resistance

High sugar consumption can lead to insulin resistance, which can be genetic (Type-1 diabetes) or induced by excessive sugar intake and lack of exercise (Type-2 Diabetes). Insulin resistance can narrow blood vessels and disrupt blood flow, increasing the risk of heart disease, obesity, hormone dysfunction, neuropathy, nerve damage, and kidney disease.

So, is sugar inherently evil? Not entirely, but excessive consumption combined with a sedentary lifestyle can lead to health issues.

Overcoming Sugar Cravings

If you struggle with sugar cravings, consider allowing yourself a small serving of your favourite sweet treat daily. Moderation is vital to prevent overindulgence. Pairing that sweet treat with fruit can help satisfy your cravings without excessive sugar intake.

Natural vs. Added Sugars

There are differences to consider when comparing natural sugars found in fruits to regular table sugar. Whole fruits contain essential vitamins and minerals, promoting overall health, growth, and development. Fiber in entire fruits also regulates sugar release into the bloodstream, preventing sharp spikes.

In summary, sugar doesn’t deserve the label of a dietary devil. In moderation, it can find a place in your diet, regardless of your health and fitness goals. Reducing sugar intake involves eliminating excessive sources often found in commercial products and opting for natural sources like fruits and vegetables. Fresh is best, providing both sugar control and essential vitamins and minerals for a thriving body.